True Story of Identity Theft and a Mother’s Medical Info being used by thieves!

There was a mother in her 30’s, who was contacted by police. They claimed she just had a baby and the baby was born with Drugs in her system. They contacted her several times and she would tell them my children are all ages 4 and up! The police tried to put the cost of the hospital visit for the baby’s delivery on her for the amount of $10,000.
(FYI ! Your medical coverage card is worth over $500. on the black market and probably more even today!)

What had happened in this mother’s case is a thief getting hold of her medical coverage and changing a few things on her card. Then going in the hospital and claiming to be that mother with 4 kids. Even more devastating the thief ranked up a bill of $10,000. on this mother’s medical account with that hospital. Wow!.

This is a heads up for all of you reading this! Maybe you have your credit cards monitored and feel that is all you need to do. Wake up–please! You NEED more than this! You can have your whole family covered for only $13.95 a month and no contracts. Just month to month. Isn’t the assurance knowing you are protected in these cases worth that money spent? Yes! Act now by looking at this video: God Bless! Kathy

About kathyrossi

Hi, I'm Kathy Rossi .Currently, I'm a Certified Risk Consultant with Harvard Risk Management. I care about people and don't like to see what I D Theft fraud crimes are doing to young and old in the US. Also, I'd love to share that anyone can have great legal help and advice for pennies a month. Harvard Risk Management is the largest broker for Legal and I D Theft plans in the country. I'm ready right now, to help you get enrolled with these services. In the past I have worked with a non profit foundation, raising over $240,000.(2010) in funds for those in need. My faith in the Lord has helped me through some financial troubles of my own in the past. I now feel led to help others gain financial freedom. I know what it is like to be working with change from my pocket to buy enough food for my family. The Lord has taken my hand and carried me out of those dark and penniless days. I'm blessed with three beautiful children that are grown and on their own. I also have a son in-law and daughter in-law, plus four grand daughters that are a joy to me and one wonderful new grandson. Also, a love in my life, Tom. Psalm 91 has been a great comfort to me. I hope you spend time in the Bible as well! God Bless you! Kathy Rossi
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1 Response to True Story of Identity Theft and a Mother’s Medical Info being used by thieves!

  1. Pingback: Identity Theft And Fraud Yes It Can Happen To You | Brandy & The Gang

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